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Why is my water meter spinning?

Why is my water meter spinning

Have you ever noticed your water meter spinning like a top, but you're not quite sure why? It's like trying to solve a mystery, and at Koalafied Plumbing, we're here to help you crack the case!

Your water meter is like a detective, tracking every drop of water used in your household. It's spinning to register the water flowing through it, but what if it's spinning too fast or when it shouldn't be? That's when you know something's wrong!

Take a few minutes to investigate with this simple test:

1. Turn off all taps. Make sure every tap inside the house is tightly shut, and there are no sneaky drips going on.

2. Check the meter. Head outside and take a close look at your water meter. Is it still spinning? If so, you might have a leak or burst pipe on your hands!

For a more accurate test, try this overnight investigation:

1. Take a photo before bed. Snap a clear photo of your water meter before you hit the sack.

2. Take another photo in the morning as soon as you wake up

3. Compare the numbers - have the numbers increased? If so, it's likely you've got a hidden leak or issue that needs attention.

If your water meter is spinning out of control, it's time to call in the experts at Koalafied Plumbing. Our team of licensed plumbers will help you identify the source of the issue and put an end to it. With our help, you'll save water, reduce your bills, and avoid costly damage to your property. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and get to the bottom of that spinning water meter!

P.S. Remember, detecting leaks early can save you a fortune in water bills and property damage. Stay vigilant, and if you suspect a leak, don't hesitate to give us a call!


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